Chapter 28 Configuration: Security
GS1900 Series User’s Guide
Figure 159 Configuration > Security > 802.1X > Port
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
28.4.3 The Port Edit Screen
Use this screen to configure the Port settings. Click Configuration > Security > 802.1X > Port
> Edit to open this screen.
Table 141 Configuration > Security > 802.1X > Port
Edit Select this check box to configure the properties of a port. Click the Edit button change
the properties of the port.
Port Displays the port index value.
State Displays the Trust status as enabled or disabled.
Reauthentication Displays if Reauthentication function is enabled. If enabled, the subscriber has to
periodically re-enter his or her username and password to stay connected to the port.
Displays the Reauthentication period for the function: the period of time ften a client has
to re-enter his or her username and password to stay connected to the port.
Quiet Period Display the time out period to transmit request after receiving a rejection from the sever.
Supplicant Time
Display the time out period to transmit a request when the client does not responsed.
Enter the maximum number of request retries.
Apply Click Apply to save the changes.
Cancel Click Cancel to discard the changes.