GS-4012F/4024 User’s Guide
Chapter 3 Hardware Overview 48
3.2.2 External Backup Power Supply Connector
The backup power supply constantly monitors the status of the internal power supply. The
backup power supply automatically provides power to the switch in the event of a power
failure. Once the switch receives power from the backup power supply, it will not
automatically switch back to using the internal power supply even when the power is resumed.
3.3 Front Panel LEDs
The LEDs are located on the front panel. The following table describes the LEDs on the front
Table 2 Front Panel LEDs
BPS Green Blinking The system is receiving power from the backup power supply.
On The backup power supply is connected and active.
Off The backup power supply is not ready or not active.
PWR Green On The system is turned on.
Off The system is off.
SYS Green Blinking The system is rebooting and performing self-diagnostic tests.
On The system is on and functioning properly.
Off The power is off or the system is not ready/malfunctioning.
ALM Red On There is a hardware failure.
Off The system is functioning normally.
Gigabit Ethernet Ports
1000 Green Blinking The port is sending/receiving data.
On The link to a 1000 Mbps Ethernet network is up.
The link to a 10 Mbps Ethernet network is up when the 100 LED is
Off No Ethernet device is connected to this port or the port is
transmitting at 100 Mbps.
100 Amber Blinking The port is sending/receiving data.
On The link to a 100 Mbps Ethernet network is up.
The link to a 10 Mbps Ethernet network is up when the 1000 LED
is on.
Off No Ethernet device is connected to this port or the port is
transmitting at 1000 Mbps.
Mini-GBIC (SFP) Slots
LNK Green On The port has a successful connection.
Off No Ethernet device is connected to this port.
ACT Green Blinking The port is sending or receiving data.
Off The port is not sending or receiving data.