GS-4012F/4024 User’s Guide
classifier 151, 153
and QoS 151
editing 154
example 155
overview 151
setup 151, 153, 154
viewing 154
syntax conventions 326
cloning a port See port cloning
cluster management 309
and switch passwords 314
cluster manager 309, 313
cluster member 309, 314
cluster member firmware upgrade 311
network example 309
setup 312
specification 309
status 310
switch models 309
VID 313
web configurator 311
cluster manager 309
cluster member 309
Command Line Interface
introduction 325
Command Line Interface (CLI) 325
Command Line Interface, See also commands
accessing 325
commands 325
accessing 325
and configuration file 332
and passwords 327
configure tagged VLAN example 403
exit 332
forwarding process example 407
getting help 329
interface 395
logging in 326
modes 328
modes summary 329
static VLAN table example 407
summary 332
syntax conventions 326
user mode details 333
using history 331
VLAN 403
Committed Information Rate (CIR) 127
Common and Internal Spanning Tree, See CIST 114
config mode 328
examples 383
configuration 226
change running config 281
saving 331
configuration file 62, 332
and commands 332
backup 282
restore 62, 282
saving 280
configuration, saving 61
console port
commands 325
settings 46, 325
contact information 449
copying port settings, See port cloning
copyright 445
CPU management port 101
current date 80
current time 80
customer support 449
Database Description (DD) 230
daylight saving time 80
default gateway 265
Designated Router(DR), and OSPF 230
DHCP 259
client IP pool 265
configuration options 259
modes 259
relay agent 259
relay example 263
server 259
setup 264
VLAN settings 264
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) 259
DHCP relay option 82 201
DHCP snooping 199
configuring 201
DHCP relay option 82 201
trusted ports 200
untrusted ports 200
DHCP snooping database 200
diagnostics 303
Ethernet port test 303
ping 303
system log 303
Differentiated Service (DiffServ) 251
DiffServ 251
activate 254
and TRTCM 254
DS field 251
DSCP 251
DSCP-to-IEEE802.1p mapping 256
network example 252
PHB 251
dimensions 425