VES-1000 Series Ethernet Switch
System Maintenance 1 9-5
Table 9-B Port Statistics
and above in length.
RxOctetsMSB Upper 32-bit count of the number of received octets of data (including those in bad
RxOctetsLSB Lower 32-bit count of the number of received octets of data (including those in bad
TxOctetsMSB Upper 32-bit count of the number of transmitted octets of data (including those in bad
TxOctetsLSB Lower 32-bit count of the number of transmitted octets of data (including those in bad
RxFragments This is the number of frames received that were less than 64 octets long and with either a
CRC error or an alignment error.
RxJabbers This is the number of frames received that were greater than the maximum octets
(specified for the system by the configuration software) long and with either a CRC error
or an alignment error.
RxAlignErrors This is the number of frames received that were of the proper size but with a CRC error
and non-integral number of octets.
RxSymbolErrors This is the number of frames received that were of the proper size but experienced
symbol error during frame reception.
SecurityDrops This is the number of good frames that were dropped because the violation of the switch
security rules.
VLANDrops This is the number of good frames that were dropped because the specified destination
port does not belong to the VLAN domain.
UndersizedPkt This is the number of frames received that were less than 64 octets long and without any
CRC or alignment errors.
OversizedPkt This is the number of frames received that were greater than the maximum octets
(specified for the system by the configuration software) long and without any CRC error or
alignment errors.
TxOversizePkt This is the number of frames transmitted that were greater than the maximum octets
(specified for the system by the configuration software) long and without any CRC or
alignment errors.
The following parameters apply to both upstream and downstream VDSL.
Constellation Constellation shows the modulation method and speed. The constellations are QAM 4,
QAM 8, QAM 16, QAM 64, QAM 256 where QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation)
defines how many bits there are per symbol; for example QAM 4 means 2 bits per symbol
), QAM 8, 3 bits (2
) per symbol and so on.
Int (Interpolation) defines how fast the symbols go through the line. It is equal to 25.0MHz
/ baud rate, so for example, Int 8 = 25.0 / 8 Mbaud.
Rate This is the VDSL raw speed.
Fc This is the carrier frequency
SNR The higher the SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) number, the better. SNR (Signal-to-Noise
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