2Wire 2WIRE2071 Network Router User Manual

Router Behind Router Detected
If the gateway detects the presence of a third-party router, the Router Behind Router error page displays. If
a third-party router is connected to the 2Wire gateway, network instability can result because both devices
are trying to manage private IPs via NAT.
The best solution is to remove the third-party router from your LAN since the 2Wire gateway can manage
your home network. If this option is not acceptable, move the third-party router to DMZPlus Mode by clicking
Resolve button..
Note: DMZplus is a special firewall mode that is used for hosting applications. When in DMZplus
mode, the designated computer shares your gateway’s IP address (Router Address), appears as if
it is directly connected to the Internet, has all of the unassigned TCP and UDP ports opened and
pointed to it, and can receive unsolicited network traffic from the Internet. Because all filtered
traffic is forwarded to the designated computer, DMZplus mode should be used with caution. A
computer in DMZplus mode is less secure because all available ports are open and all incoming
Internet traffic is directed to this computer
Provision Gateway
This error message is displayed if you attempt to access
the Internet before configuring your gateway with the
correct PPP credentials (username and password). Click
Set Up Now button to enter the PPP username and
password provided to you by your service provider. After
you have completed this process, you should be able to
access the Internet.