3M Dynapro ET 355 Monitor HL
3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information
Instructions for installing the
ET 355 monitor
User’s Installation Guide
This document is an addendum to the ET 350 Monitor
User’s Installation Guide. It is not meant to stand alone.
For a summary of topics covered in the Installation Guide
and this Addendum, see Table A:
Mounting instructions
There are also documents available to assist you in
mounting ET 35X monitors with heater:
Mounting using a NEMA 4X panel gasket: Installing the
NEMA 4X Panel Gasket. Ships with all ET 35X monitors.
Mounting using a NEMA 4X hatch: Installing the NEMA 4X
Hatch. Ships with all ET 35X monitors with heater.
Software guides
The ET 350 Monitor User’s Installation Guide explains
how to install touch screen software that will run with
operating systems supported by ET 35X monitors with
For information on how to customize the software, refer to
one of the following software guides:
For Windows XP Professional and Windows 2000
Professional operating systems:
MicroTouch NFI
Software Guide for Windows XP and Windows 2000
For Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, and Windows 95
operating systems:
Configuration Utilities User’s Guide
Information online
The ET 350 Monitor User’s Installation Guide and the
NEMA 4X Panel Gasket instructions for the ET 355
monitor accompany all ET 355 monitors.
Installing the NEMA 4X Hatch for the ET 355 monitor
ships with all units that are ordered with the optional hatch
All of these documents and the software guides are
available for download from www.3Mtouch.com
Guidelines for maintaining the
ET 355 Monitor HL
To minimize factors that might cause the monitor to
malfunction, follow these guidelines for performing
regular preventive maintenance:
To reduce the risk of electromagnetic interference, do not
place electrical noise-generating equipment near the
Check all connections regularly, especially in
environments where shock and/or vibration might loosen
The more rugged the environment in which the unit is
located, the more frequently preventive maintenance
should be performed. For example, if the monitor is used
in a wet location, it should be maintained more often than
if it is located in a dry, clean area.
Clean the front of the touch screen with a mild window-
cleaning solution or other cleaner that will not leave
residue on the screen or corrode it. Be careful not to
scratch the surface of the screen.
Options available from 3M Touch Systems for use with the
ET 355 monitor are:
NEMA 4X Hatch (comes with instructions for installing
in ET 355 monitor)
Single KVM extender
Dual KVM extender
Table A: Topics covered in ET 350 User’s Installation
Guide and those covered in this Addendum
Topic This
ET 350 Monitor
User’s Installation
Connecting cables
Adjusting monitor
display settings
Installing software
Installing monitor with
KVM extender
Setting backlights
saver and “safe touch”
Checking gaskets
Maintaining monitor
Replacing a
graphic underlay
Connector pin-outs