A4 Tech. Wireless 1-Wheel Mouse Mouse User Manual

Pointers Tab
The Pointers tab lets you change the way the cursor appears. Click the down arrow under Scheme and
choose the setting you want. The available pointers for each scheme are shown in the pane below. You can
browse to additional pointers, then create your own scheme using the Save As button.
Motion Tab
Pointer Speed: Lets you adjust how fast the cursor moves on the screen.
SnapTo Button: Check this box to automatically have the cursor move to the default button in each new
dialog box or window.
Sonar: When this box is checked, pressing and releasing the [Ctrl] key will highlight the cursor.
Trails: Check this box when you want your cursor to display pointer trails. This option is useful when
using an LCD display that can make the cursor difficult to see.
Settings Tab
Command List: Shows all the available commands (including User-defined Command Menus) that you can
assign to either the NetJump or LuckyJump grids.
NetJump (top grid): The NetJump grid groups commonly used Web-browsing commands. To change a
command, select a new one from the Command List and click on the icon in the grid that you want to change.
LuckyJump (bottom grid): The LuckyJump grid groups all-purpose commands. To change a command,
select a new one from the Command List and click on the icon in the grid that you want to change.
Wheel: Check the Reverse scrolling direction box to change the scrolling direction when you turn the scroll
wheel. Select the Scroll or Scroll one page per scroll unit radio button to set the scrolling speed to suit
your work habits.
Executing Net Jump Commands
NetJump combines commonly used tasks for Web browsing into one convenient grid and puts them right under the
cursor. To use NetJump, open the Mouse Properties window and select the Buttons
tab. Assign NetJump in the
drop-down menu of the button you want. Click OK to close the Mouse Properties window. Now click the
assigned button to open the NetJump grid and execute your command. (See the Settings Tab section above for
instructions on customizing NetJump.)
Executing LuckyJump Commands
LuckyJump combines commonly used tasks for Windows environments
into one convenient grid and puts them right
under the cursor. To use LuckyJump, open the Mouse Properties window and select the Buttons tab. Assign
LuckyJump in the drop-down menu of the button you want. Click OK to close the Mouse Properties window.
Now click the assigned button to open the LuckyJump grid and execute your command. (See the Settings Tab
section above for instructions on customizing LuckyJump.)
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