Fast EtherHub 3500 System User’s Guide
Hardware Reference 5-7
Color: Green
Function: Indicates if a unit is located in a terminal position
in a stacked system.
This LED shows if the hub is
connected to the stack’s
backplane and the FlexBus
cable properly terminated.
The unit has an auto-terminate function that is enabled when it
is at the end of a stack. Note that in a stand-alone configuration,
this LED is ON because of the auto-terminate function.
LED Activity Condition Indication
STEADY LIGHT ON The hub is at the end of a stacked system or
in a stand-alone configuration.
NO LIGHT OFF The hub is connected to a stacked system,
but not at the terminal position of a stack.
Table 5.9 Terminator Indicator
Color: Green
Function: Indicates the hub is isolated from all Ethernet
segments in the stack’s backplane.
LED Activity Condition Indication
STEADY LIGHT ON Hub is isolated from all segments.
NO LIGHT OFF Hub is attached to one of the 3 segments
of the backplane.
Table 5.10 Isolation Indicator
Utilization Indicators
Color: Green and yellow
Label (%) Color Function
1, 5, 15 Green Indicates percentage of LAN bandwidth in use by valid
30, 65
Yellow data.
Table 5.11 Utilization Indicators