LTPH-UM-1234-01 Generic Information
HDU-409 Lists 1, 2, and 3 April 30, 2003 19
4 For non-solar applications in an environment up to 95°F maximum, the
capacity for an SPC, 32-slot 7030-32P enclosure can be increased to all
32 slots.
5 Decrease capacities in Table 5 and Table 6 on page 15 by five percent
(round up to the nearest whole number) for every 5°F (2.8°C) increase,
or fraction thereof, in ambient temperatures above 115°F (46°C). Always
assign the empty slots to the highest (uppermost) positions.
6 Increase the capacities by five percent (round down to the nearest whole
number) for every full +5°F (2.8°C) reduction in ambient temperature,
below 115°F (46°C). The non-adjancency constraint still applies for
these increased capacity applications.
7 Decrease any outdoor capacity by one for every four T1 or LD1
repeaters, or fraction thereof, that are installed with the doublers.
8 For all outdoor applications, decrease the capacity by one for every two
adjacent doublers that are not separated by at least one empty slot.