6 / 0 7 • 1 0 4 7 3 2 A E
Wideband 3190
Wideband 3190
Integrated SONET/DS3 Multiplexer for HDSL/HDSL2/HDSL4
w w w . a d c . c o m • + 1 - 9 5 2 - 9 3 8 - 8 0 8 0 • 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 6 6 - 3 8 9 1
Description Catalog Number
CO Elements
Wideband 3190 shelf, Metallic Line Testing (MLT), Digital Test Access (DTA) HMS-358 L5, L6
HDSL HiGain Line Unit HLU-319 L5
HDSL2 HiGain Line Unit H2TU-C-319-L7x
HDSL4 HiGain Line Unit H4TU-C-319-L5x
HiGain multiplexer unit for STS-1 HXU-359L2V11
HiGain multiplexer unit for DS3 HXU-360-L2
HiGain Fan Assembly HFA-357 L1
HiGain Management Unit HMU-319-L81
HiGain Test Card, Test and Loop-through Card HTC-319 L1
HiGain Cut-through Card HCC-319 L2
Span Elements
HDSL HiGain Doubler Unit for “200-400” remote-style mechanics HDU-404-L2
HDSL HiGain Doubler Unit for “239” mechanics HDU-409 L2A
HDSL4 HiGain Doubler Unit for “239” mechanics H4D-409-L2
Remote Elements
HDSL HiGain Remote Unit for “200-400” mechanics HRU-402 L1
HDSL2 HiGain Remote Unit for “200-400” mechanics H2TU-R-402-L7x
HDSL4 HiGain Remote Unit for “200-400” mechanics H4TU-R-402-L5x
Outdoor Span Element Housing
Remote Enclosure , Single/Dual Slot, 239 mechanics, vented, above ground, 30” Gel Stub** HRE-602 L1
HDSL4 Single-Shot
Enclosure with integrated Repeater (H4D-409-L2) SPX-HRXP0B7
Radiator II, 8 slot, 239 mechanics, pressurized, below ground, 30’ Air Core Stub* RAD-BA30-8
Radiator II, 8 slot, 239 mechanics, vented, above ground, 30’ Gel Core Stub* RAD-AG30-8T
Radiator II, 16 slot, 239 mechanics, pressurized, below ground, 30’ Air Core Stub* RAD-BA30-16
Radiator II, 16 slot, 239 mechanics, vented, above ground, 30’ Gel Core Stub* RAD-AG30-16T
819, 24 slot, 239 mechanics, pressurized, below ground, 30’ Air Core Stub* ENC-819-CA3P-PA3
819, 24 slot, 239 mechanics, vented, above ground, 30’ Gel Core Stub* ENC-819-CG3P-VA3
Outdoor Remote Element Housing
Remotes/Doublers, 4 slot, 200/400 mechanics, 30’ Gel Stub HRE-454-L1A
Remotes/Doublers, 4 slot, 200/400 mechanics, 30’ Air Stub HRE-454-L2A
Remotes/Doublers, one slot, 200/400 mechanics, Gel Stub HRE-450-L2B
Remotes/Doublers, one slot, 200/400 mechanics, Air Stub HRE-450-L3B
Remotes/Doublers, one slot, 200/400 mechanics, No Stub HRE-450-L4B
O r d e r i n g I n f o r m a t i o n
x – refer to customer service or technical support for appropriate list number.