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Wideband 3190
Wideband 3190
Integrated SONET/DS3 Multiplexer for HDSL/HDSL2/HDSL4
w w w . a d c . c o m • + 1 - 9 5 2 - 9 3 8 - 8 0 8 0 • 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 6 6 - 3 8 9 1
Description Catalog Number
Indoor Remote Element Housing
Remote, Single Slot, 200/400 Mechanics, RJ48X, wall mount HRE-420 L2
Remote, Single Slot, 200/400 Mechanics, DB15/RJ48C, wall mount HRE-420 L4
Remote, Single Slot, 200/400 Mechanics, WW/RJ48C, wall mount HWM-T01
Remote, Dual Slot, 200/400 Mechanics, DB15/RJ48C, wall mount HRE-422 L4
Remote, Dual Slot, 200/400 Mechanics, WW/RJ48C, wall mount HWM-02B
Remote, Three Slot, 200/400 Mechanics, Wire Wrap, rack mount HUS-340
Remote, Four Slots, 200 Mechanics, DB15/RJ48C, wall/desk mount HRE-204 L3A
Remote, Four Slots, 200 Mechanics, RJ48X, wall/desk mount HRE-204 L3B
Remote, Six Slots, 200 Mechanics, RJ48C, PS wall/desk mount HRE-206 L1
Remote, Six Slots, 200 Mechanics, RJ48X, PS wall/desk mount HRE-206 L2
Remote, Twelve Slots, 200/400 Mechanics, Wire Wrap/50pin AMP,
wall/desk/rack mount
Indoor Enclosure Accessories
Wallmount hinge for HRE-204 HRE-204-HMB
HiGain 400 Mechanics Power Supply, 115 VAC to -48 VDC HPS-448 L1
HiGain Test Card, 200/400 Mechanics HTC-400 L1
Cable assembly for HRE-425, 12 port, RJ48C to 50pin AMP CHRE-425-RJ48C
Cable assembly for HRE-425, 12 port, RJ48X to 50pin AMP CHRE-425-RJ48X
O r d e r i n g I n f o r m a t i o n
x – refer to customer service or technical support for appropriate list number.