Chapter 3. Terminal Menu Operation and Structure
3-20 Express 4110/4120 User Manual 61200176L3-1
cols are not on the same network segment as the servers providing the
information, the client programs will not receive a response without
enabling the UDP relay agent.
UDP Relay/Mode
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
When this option is set to On (def), the Express 4110/4120 will act as a
relay agent.
UDP Relay/UDP Relay List
Up to four relay destination servers can be specified in this list.
UDP Relay List/Relay Address
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
This is the IP address of the server that will receive the relay packet.
UDP Relay List/UDP Port Type
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
UDP Relay List/UDP Port 1, UDP Port 2, UDP Port 3
Write security: 3; Read security: 5
UDP Port 1, UDP Port 2, and UDP Port 3 are used for specifying
UDP ports to be relayed. These fields only apply when UDP Port
Type is set to Specified.
The following standard UDP protocols are relayed
when set: DHCP, TFTP, DNS, NTP (Network Time Proto-
col, port 123). NBNS (NetBIOS Name Server, port
137), NBDG (NetBIOS Datagram, port 138), and
When set, the UDP port (1 to 65535) can be speci-
fied in the UDP Port columns. (up to a maximum of
three per server).