4 Alcatel-Lucent l VitalQIP Appliance Manager
IP name and address services are essential to
service availability and end user performance
capabilities. If end users are unable to obtain an
IP address, they can’t communicate or complete
tasks essential to your business success. If
application host names are not quickly resolved
by programs in end users’ PCs, connecting to
these applications and other services is difficult
if not impossible.
Consolidating all IP address information in a
single location ensures that your geographically
dispersed network administrators can access the
same IP database. This eliminates duplication
of administrative effort and allows you to
maintain a consistent IP inventory network-
wide. Administrative efficiency is also increased
from hosting IP address management services
such as DNS and DHCP on specialized hardware
appliance platforms while improving security
and uptime.
The VitalQIP Appliance Manager offers the latest
multi-core Intel-based architecture combined with
the hardened Red Hat Linux
operating system as
well as a web-based graphical user interface (GUI)
that is used to seamlessly manage deployment,
apply patches and upgrades, and monitor IPAM,
DNS, DHCP and other services.
The centralized VitalQIP Appliance Management
Software (AMS) maintains an inventory of
software packages and appliances and is easily
launched from the VitalQIP web-based GUI. Also
included for security is a token-based appliance
authentication process.
Deployment, upgrades and maintenance is
simplified by configuring services on the AMS
GUI before deployment and by logically grouping
the appliances. Remote services, such as DNS
and DHCP, can also be upgraded to the latest
software version across many appliances with
a few simple clicks. If there are issues with an
upgrade, an administrator can roll back to a
previous version of the service since a record
of upgrades is maintained in the AMS for each
Administrators have centralized access and a
view of the entire appliance network via the
monitoring section of AMS.This centralized
control gives administrators quick and easy access
to all log and configuration files, remote start and
stop of services on appliances, and the ability to
quickly take any appliance offline for suspicious
behavior as well as reboot appliances from a
central location, saving travel costs and time.