6 Alcatel-Lucent l VitalQIP Appliance Manager
Summary of Features and Benefits
n Integration with the market leading VitalQIP software
n Centralized appliance management data store to keep track of services and status of remote appliances
n Automated software upgrade capability with rollback options
n Highly secure communication between AMS and appliances with unique appliance key generation
n Logical grouping of appliances for ease of upgrades
n Software version history maintained per appliance in AMS
n Remote start/stop/initialize of services
n High availability using heartbeat and virtual address mechanism
n Retrieval of log/config files from appliances
n Connect, configure and go model for appliance activation
n Industry’s highest performance DHCP server – enabling rapid IP address
assignment for the delivery of robust IP services
n VitalQIP DNS server (BIND 9 based) – enabling rapid address resolution
n VitalQIP SNMP Service
n NTP Service for time synchronization among appliances
n Security hardened version of Red Hat Linux OS
n Limited port access
n Unique secret key exchanged between centralized software and each appliance for authentication
n Authorized appliance access is granted by centralized AMS administrator
VitalQIP Appliance Performance – A Price Performance Leading Solution
AMM 5000:
NEBS compliant with RAID 1 and
dual power supplies
AMM 1000:
Standard appliance
Leases per second 6,455 5,100
Queries per second 93,850 75,800