GA-K8N Ultra-9 Motherboard - 44 -
2-7 MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.)
Incorrect using these features may cause your system broken. For power end-user use only.
CPU Frequency
200~400MHz Set CPU Frequency from 200MHz to 400MHz.
CPU Spread Spectrum
Disabled Disable CPU Spread Spectrum.
Center Spread Set CPU Spread Spectrum to Center Spread. (Default value)
PCIE Clock
100~150MHz Set PCIE Clock from 100MHz to 150MHz.
K8 CPU Clock Ratio
This setup option will automatically assign by CPU detection. The option will display "Locked" and
read only or will not show up if the CPU ratio is not changeable.
Robust Graphics Booster
Select the options can enhance the VGA graphics card bandwidth to get higher performance.
Auto Set Robust Graphics Booster to Auto. (Default value)
Fast Set Robust Graphics Booster to Fast.
Turbo Set Robust Graphics Booster to Turbo.
CPU Voltage Control
Supports adjustable CPU Vcore from 0.800V to 1.750V by 0.025V step. (Default value: Normal)
Warning: CPU may be damaged or CPU life-cycle may be reduced when CPU is over-voltage.
Normal CPU Vcore
Display your CPU normal voltage.
Core Power voltage control
Normal Set core power voltage as required. (Default value)
+0.1v Increase core power voltage +0.1V.
+0.2v Increase core power voltage +0.2V.
+0.3v Increase core power voltage +0.3V.
CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright (C) 1984-2005 Award Software
MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.)
CPU Frequency [200]
CPU Spread Spectrum [Center Spread]
PCIE Clock [100Mhz]
K8 CPU Clock Ratio [Default]
Robust Graphics Booster [Auto]
CPU Voltage Control [Normal]
Normal CPU Vcore 1.500V
Core Power voltage control [Normal]
HT-Link voltage control [Normal]
DDR voltage control [Normal]
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