Chapter 3 Software Configuration 33
3.3 VGA display software configuration
The PCM-5820 Series on-board VGA/LCD interface supports an
18-bit TFT LCD, flat panel displays and traditional analog CRT
monitors. The interface can drive CRT displays with resolutions up to
1024 x 768 in 16 bpp. It is also capable of driving color panel displays
with resolutions of 1024 x 768 in 18 bpp. The LCD type is configured
completely via the software utility, so you do not have to set any
jumpers. Configure the LCD type as follows:
1. Apply power to the PCM-5820 Series with a color TFT display
attached. This is the default setting for the PCM-5820 Series.
Make sure that the AWDFLASH.EXE and *.BIN files are located
in the working drive.
Note: Make sure that you do not run AWDFLASH.EXE
while your system is operating in EMM386 mode.
2. At the prompt, type AWDFLASH.EXE and press <Enter>. The
VGA configuration program will then display the following:
Figure 3-2: BIOS VGA setup screen