33InRow RC/RD/RP (600 mm) User’s Guide
Remote Users
Use this option to select how to administer remote access to the cooling unit:
Select one of the following:
• Local Device Only: RADIUS is disabled. Local authentication is enabled.
• RADIUS, then Local Device: RADIUS is enabled, and local authentication is enabled.
Authentication is requested from the RADIUS server first; local authentication is used only if the
RADIUS server is not available
• RADIUS Only: RADIUS is enabled. Local authentication is disabled.
Use this option to do the following:
• Display a list of RADIUS servers identified as being available to the cooling unit and the time-out
period for each server (the number of seconds the cooling unit will wait for a reply from the server
before the request fails).
• Add a server to the list of identified RADIUS servers. Click Add Server, and configure the
following parameters for authentication by the new server:
For information about local authentication (authentication that can be administered without
the centralized authentication provided by a RADIUS server), see the Security Handbook
provided on the Utility CD and available on the APC Web site at www.apc.com.
Note: APC supports the authentication and authorization functions of RADIUS (Remote
Authentication Dial-In User Service).
• When a user accesses the cooling unit that has RADIUS enabled, an authentication
request is sent to the RADIUS server to determine the user’s permission level.
• RADIUS user names used with the cooling unit are limited to 32 characters.
Note: If RADIUS Only is selected, the only way to recover if the RADIUS server is
unavailable, improperly identified, or improperly configured is to use a serial
connection to the control console and change the Access setting to Local Device Only
or RADIUS, then Local Device. See “Local access to the control console” on page 7
for information about how to access the serial port.
RADIUS Setting Definition
RADIUS Server The server name or IP address of the RADIUS server.
Note: RADIUS servers use port 1812 by default to authenticate users. To use a
different port, add a colon followed by the new port number to the end of the
RADIUS server name or IP address.
Secret The shared secret between the RADIUS server and the cooling unit.
Reply Timeout The time in seconds that the cooling unit waits for a response from the RADIUS
Test Settings Enter the Administrator user name and password to test the RADIUS server path
that you have configured.