Apple MC820LL/A Tablet User Manual

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© Google. Map data © 2011 Tele Atlas.
© 2011 Google. Map data © 2011 Google.
© 2011 Google.
Available on iTunes. Title availability is subject to
change. Airplane! © 1992 Paramount Pictures. All rights
reserved. Back to the Future © 1985 Universal Studios.
All rights reserved. Dear John © 2010 Dear John, LLC. All
rights reserved. Eat Pray Love © 2010 Columbia Pictures
Industries, Inc. All rights reserved. Iron Man 2, the movie,
© 2010 MVL Film Finance LLC. Iron Man, the character,
TM and © 2010 Marvel Entertainment, LLC and subs. All
rights reserved. The Karate Kid © 2010 Columbia Pictures
Industries, Inc. All rights reserved. Salt © 2010 Columbia
Pictures Industries, Inc. and Beverly Blvd. LLC. All rights
reserved. Tangled will be available on iTunes beginning
March 29, 2011. Tangled © 2010 Disney. Toy Story 3 ©
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