Projector Control
Page 3 Version 1.0
To enable serial control do the following:
• Remove the checkmark from “Serial Mouse” in the Projector’s FEATURE MENU. This changes the Baudrate from
1200 to 9600 and turns off the Serial mouse data.
• Connect the serial (COM) port from the Host to the RS232 connector on the projector
1.1 Rs232 Control Cables
Please order the following parts:
Part Number Description
301.102A Mouse Cable 4 meter
301.113B PC Mouse Adapter RS232 Straight
Table 1
1.2 RS232 Settings
If SerialMouse is deselected the setting is:
Parameter Default setting
Baudrate 9600
Data bit 8
Parity bit None
Stop bit 1
Flow Control None
Table 2
If SerialMouse is selected the setting is:
Parameter Default setting
Baudrate 1200
Data bit 8
Parity bit None
Stop bit 1
Flow Control None
Table 3
If the serial mouse is enabled the projector sends mouse data whenever the user
moves the trackball on the Batmouse.