Projector Control
Page 7 Version 1.0
6.1.3 Example 3: Hex sequence for Set Brightness to 70% => 0.7*255 = 178 = 0xB2
0xBE 0xEF 0x80 0x06 0x00 0x2E 0x04 0x01 0x00 0x11 0x00 0xB2 0x00
Magic number Body size CRC Op.type Function Value
7byte Message Head 6byte Message Body
6.1.4 Example 4: Hex sequence for power on (with CRC deactivated)
0xBE 0xEF 0x80 0x06 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00
6.1.5 Example 5: Hex sequence for get Brightness
Host: =>
0xBE 0xEF 0x80 0x06 0x00 0xBD 0x70 0x02 0x00 0x11 0x00 0x00 0x00
<= Projector (70%)
0x1D 0x00 0xB2
6.1.6 Example 5: To get ASCII Information Set Parameter in the State String function
Host: Projector
Operation Set Packet =>
<=ASCII Strings
<= ACK