Asus E9159 Graphics Tablet User Manual

ASUS Tablet and ASUS Mobile Dock E-Manual
8. Why does audio still come out from my ASUS Tablet’s audio
speakers even if I already connected my headphone into the
right jack port?
Go to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound then access Audio
Manager to congure the settings.
9. My ASUS Tablet cannot do keystrokes correctly because my
cursor keeps on moving. What should I do?
Make sure that nothing accidentally touches or presses on your
touchpad while you type on the keyboard. You can also disable
your touchpad by pressing .
10. My ASUS Tablet’s touchpad is not working. What should I do?
You can try doing any of the following suggestions:
• CheckifASUSSmartGestureissettodisabletouchpadby
connecting an external pointing device to your ASUS Tablet.
If yes, disable this function.
• Press .
11. Instead of showing letters, pressing the “U”, “I”, and “O” keys
on my keyboard displays numbers. How can I change this?
Press the key or (on selected models) on
your ASUS Tablet to turn o this feature and use the said keys for
inputting letters.
12. How do I know that my system is running?
Press and hold the power button for about two (2) seconds until
the power button’s LED indicator blinks ve times and the camera
LED indicator blinks once.