ASUS M4A77T 2-9
2.4 Advanced menu
The Advanced menu items allow you to change the settings for the CPU and other system
Take caution when changing the settings of the Advanced menu items. Incorrect eld
values can cause the system to malfunction.
v02.61 (C)Copyright 1985-2009, American Megatrends, Inc.
Main Advanced Power Boot Tools Exit
JumperFree Conguration
CPU Conguration
Onboard Devices Conguration
USB Conguration
Select Screen
Select Item
+- Change Field
Tab Select Field
F1 General Help
F10 Save and Exit
ESC Exit
Adjust System
Advanced Settings
The items and conguration options in this menu may vary depending on the AMD CPU
2.4.1 JumperFree Conguration
CPU Level Up [Auto]
Selects the desired CPU level, and other relevant parameters will be adjusted automatically
based on the selected CPU level. Conguration options: [Auto] [Phenom II-955] [Phenom
II-3.4G] [Phenom II-3.6G]
2.3.5 System Information
This menu gives you an overview of the general system specications. The BIOS
automatically detects the items in this menu.
BIOS Information
Displays the auto-detected BIOS information.
Displays the auto-detected CPU specication.
System Memory
Displays the auto-detected system memory.