Asus P4B533-X Computer Hardware User Manual

ASUS P4B533-X motherboard
CPU Frequency [133] (value is auto-detected)
Indicates the frequency sent by the clock generator to the system bus and PCI
bus. The bus frequency (external frequency) multiplied by the bus multiple equals
the CPU speed. The value of this item is auto-detected by BIOS and is not
manually configurable. The values range from 100 to 266.
RAM Frequency [Auto]
Allows you to set the DDR operating frequency. See BIOS screen for valid input
values. Configuration options: [Auto] [4:3] [1:1] [3:4]
AGP/PCI Frequency [Auto]
Allows you to adjust to a higher AGP/PCI frequency for better system performance
and overclocking capability. Configuration options: [Auto] [AGP66MHZ/PCI33MHZ]
Selecting a very high AGP/PCI frequency may cause the system to become
unstable! If this happens, revert to the default setting.
CPU Over Voltage [Auto]
Allows you to enable or set to auto the CPU over voltage feature.
Configuration options: [Auto] [Enabled]
AGP Over Voltage [Auto]
Allows you to enable or set to auto the AGP over voltage feature.
Configuration options: [Auto] [Enabled]
DDR Over Voltage [Auto]
Allows you to enable or set to auto the DDR over voltage feature.
Configuration options: [Auto] [Enabled]