
Chapter 5: Software support
5.6 Marvell
Virtual Cable Tester™ (VCT)
The P4P800 motherboard supports the Marvell
Virtual Cable Tester
(VCT) Technology. The VCT virtually diagnose and report cable faults
using the Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR). With this essential tool,
installation and network diagnosis has never been easier. The VCT
technology detects and reports open and shorted cables with up to 1
meter of accuracy. It also detects impedance mismatches, pair swaps, pair
polarity problems and pair skew problems of up to 64ns.
VCT remarkably reduces networking and support costs, complementing a
highly manageable and controlled network system. Also, this tool can be
incorporated in the network systems software making it ideal for field
support as well as development diagnostics.
Using the Virtual Cable Tester™
1. Right click on the My Computer icon on your desktop, on the pop-
up menu, click on Properties to display the System Properties
dialog box.
2. Locate Network adapters and select
3COM Gigabit LOM (3C940)
from the list. Click on the Properties button.
3. From the 3Com Gigabit LOM (3C940) Properties dialogue box,
select the Diagnostics tab.