Asus P5PE-VM Computer Hardware User Manual

2-24 Chapter 2: BIOS setup
2.5 Power menu
The Power menu items allow you to change the settings for the Advanced
Power Management (APM). Select an item then press <Enter> to display
the conguration options.
2.5.1 Suspend Mode [Auto]
Allows you to select the Advanced Conguration and Power Interface
(ACPI) state to be used for system suspend.
Conguration options: [S1 Only] [Auto]
2.5.2 ACPI 2.0 Support [No]
Allows you to add more tables for Advanced Conguration and Power
Interface (ACPI) 2.0 specications. Conguration options: [No] [Yes]
2.5.3 ACPI APIC Support [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the Advanced Conguration and Power
Interface (ACPI) support in the Application-Specic Integrated Circuit
(ASIC). When set to Enabled, the ACPI APIC table pointer is included in the
RSDT pointer list. Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Suspend Mode [Auto]
ACPI 2.0 Support [No]
ACPI APIC Support [Enabled]
APM Conguration
Hardware Monitor