Asus PEB-G21 Network Card User Manual

ASUS PEB-G21 User GuideASUS PEB-G21 User Guide
ASUS PEB-G21 User GuideASUS PEB-G21 User Guide
ASUS PEB-G21 User Guide
3. Execute prtconf to determine instance number of the NIC.
4. ifconfig bcme[instance_number] plumb
5. ifconfig bcme[instance_number] ip_address netmask....
To make these changes permanent, follow these steps:
1. Use a text editor (e.g., vi) and create a file named
hostname.bcme[instance_number] in the /etc directory. Add the IP address of
the interface to this file, then save and exit.
2. Add a proper subnet mask to the file /etc/netmasks.
In Solaris 7.0 (Intel platform), the operating system only allocates 36 pages of 4K
physically contiguous memory. The driver needs about 130K of physically contiguous
memory per NIC. In order to use more than one NIC the O/S has to allocate more
memory. This can be done by setting an O/S system variable "lomempages" in /etc/
system. For instance, when 4 NICs are installed in a Solaris 7 system, the physically
contiguous memory is calculated as follows:
4 NICs * 130K = 520 K ==> 130 pages of 4K is required.