ASUS Transformer Pad Manual
MyNet allows you to store, save, and stream audio, video, and images les
between your ASUS Transformer Pad and a DLNA device such as your
computer, TV, or speakers.
DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) is the networking standard that
allows network devices to seamlessly communicate with each other.
• MyNetonlyworkswithMicrosoftMediaPlayer11orlaterversion.
• MyNetwillnotworkifthedevicesareconnectedvia3Gnetwork.
• YourASUSTransformerPadandtheDLNAdevicesuchascomputer,
TV, or speakers must be connected to the same wireless network.
Otherwise, MyNet will not function.
To use MyNet:
1. Ensure that your ASUS Transformer Pad and PC are connected to the
same wireless network.
2. Click and enable Allow remote control of my Player and Automatically
devices to play my media on your computer’s media player on the PC.
Go to More streaming options... to congure if necessary.