Chapter 3: Bluetooth XP Suite
The Bluetooth XP Suite supports the following Bluetooth proles:
Human Interface Device Prole (HID)
This prole enables you to connect Bluetooth HIDs such as Bluetooth keyboards,
mouses, and game controllers to your computer. The Bluetooth XP Suite supports
multiple HID connections.
Serial Port Prole (SPP)
This prole enables you to set up virtual serial ports and connect your computer
with another Bluetooth enabled device.
Fax Prole (FAX)
This prole enables you to use a FAX gateway to send a Fax message to an
arbitrary recipient.
Dial-up Networking Prole (DUN)
This prole enables you to connect your computer to the Internet via a Bluetooth
enabled mobile phone.
Advanced Audio Distribution Prole (A2DP)
This prole enables you to stream stereo-quality audio from a source device to a
sink device (destination device). A source device delivers an audio stream, while
a sink device receives an audio stream. Bluetooth headphones, speakers, and
mobile phones are a few examples of the audio devices that use the A2DP prole.
Hands-Free Prole (HFP)
This prole enables you to use a hands-free device such as a Bluetooth headset
and a car kit to make and receive calls for a gateway device, typically a mobile