ATEN Technology CL1008M Switch User Manual

Connection Tables
The following tables indicate the relationship between the number of units and
the number of computers that they control on a daisy-chained installation:
CL1008 – ACS1208A
CL1008 – ACS1216A
No. Computers No. Computers
1 1–8 9 65–72
2 9–16 10 73–80
3 17–24 11 81–88
4 25–32 12 89–96
5 33–40 13 97–104
6 41–48 14 105–112
7 49–56 15 113–120
8 57–64 16 121–128
No. Computers No. Computers
1 1–8 9 121–136
2 9–24 10 137–152
3 25–40 11 152–168
4 41–56 12 169–184
5 57–72 13 185–200
6 73–88 14 201–216
7 89–104 15 217–232
8 105–120 16 233–248