GAK; Reviewed:
WCH 7/7/2003
Solution & Interoperability Test Lab Application Notes
©2003 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
12 of 31
3. Enter a unique interface name (e.g vlan100) in the Name field.
4. Select vlan100 from the VLAN drop-down menu.
5. Enter the IP address in the Network Address field.
6. (OPTIONAL) Select Enable from the RIP drop-down menu.
7. Click the APPLY button.
3.6. Create the Hunt Groups
Create the necessary Hunt Groups for the sample configuration via the Web Agent.
1. Select Hunt Groups under the Cajun Router ! L2 Switching folder. The Hunt Group
configuration window opens (Figure 15).
Figure 15: Hunt Group Configuration
2. Select CREATE. The Create Hunt Group window opens (Figure 16).
Figure 16: Create Hunt Group
3. Enter a unique Hunt Group name (e.g PRO100) in the Name field.
4. Click the APPLY button.
5. Select CREATE. The Create Hunt Group window opens (Figure 17).