ToughRunners / ScanWear – Communication Protocol v1.2 - 27 -
Data Capture
for Workforce
in Motion
Special packets
These packets do not follow the above frame format.
4.1. Deprecated packets
Code ID
0x01 Legacy 1 1 1 or 1 2 1
These 2 sequences will be recognized and purged for backward compatibility with older Baracoda
4.2. Acknowledgment packets
Code ID
0x06 ACK 0x06 1 X
0x15 NAK 0x15 1 X
These messages acknowledge the reception of a valid message with the expected sequence number
X, before processing it.
For captured data from the scanner, ACK and NAK have the same meaning but will trigger a different
event on the scanner.
Code ID
0x16 SYN 0x16 1 X
This message acknowledges the reception of a message to acknowledge with an unexpected
sequence number. X is the expected sequence number.
The device will resynchronize its remote sequence number when receiving this message.
From this point, all the frames described in this section 2/ are formatted as shown:
Code ID length Payload
1 byte 2 bytes -
1 byte for code ID
o Bits 7:5 is the logical device
o Bits 4:1 is the command
o Bit 0: when set, the message must be acknowledged
2 bytes for the size of the payload (big-endian), including the sequence number byte which is
considered as part of the payload
Payload (including 1 byte for sequence number when applicable).
The response will have the same code ID as the command.