
Adding Optional DOS Box Support
Adding DOS Box Support (Optional)
DOS Box support for the DockStation
is useful if you intend to use
DOS applications, but not necessary for Windows
applications. If
you are using only Windows
applications, it is recommended that
you do not install this feature as it uses resources. Enabling DOS
Box support requires one IRQ and a range of eight memory
locations in order to function. In addition, some DOS applications
require certain IRQ and memory configurations to be associated
with specific COM ports. To enable DOS Box support for the
, follow the instructions below.
1. Right-click on the "My Computer" icon on your desktop.
2. Click "Properties" from the menu that appears.
3. Click the "Device Manager" tab on the System
Properties page.
4. Click the "+" next to Ports (COM & LPT).
5. Click "USB Comm Port" (ComX) where X is the port
number of the device to which you’d like to add DOS
Box support.
6. Click the "Properties" button.
7. Click the "DOS Box" tab.
8. Click the box next to “Enable DOS Box 16550
Emulator”. A check mark will appear in the box.
9. Choose a DOS name for the port from the list box next
to “Logical Device Name” (DOS Box). Many DOS
applications will only work with COM1-COM4. If you
don’t want any of these, choose COMX. Click ”OK”.
10. You will be asked for the DockStation
installation CD.
Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive and click ”OK”.
If a dialog pops up stating that a file could not be
found, make sure that the “Copy files from:” edit box
contains “d:\” (be sure you load the correct driver CD
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