Black Box Black Box network services Computer Hardware User Manual

CHAPTER 3: Installation
Table 1. Printed Circuit-Board Switch and Strap Settings
Possible Factory
Stap Identity Location Settings Setting Function
MAIN DCE/DTE switch DTE DTE Determines the PSD’s Main Channel
DCE interface as either DTE (straight connection
to a modem) or as DCE (straight connection
to a computer or terminal).
Sub-channel DTE DTE Determines the PSD’s sub-channel interface
DCE/DTE switches DCE as either DTE or DCE.
DATA RATE (kbps) BR1 19.2 9.6 Selects the PSD’s internal data rate or external
(rotary switch) 14.4 clock from sub-channel 1.
4.8 NOTE: When using CLK 1 mode, the main
2.4 channel cannot be connected to a modem
1.2 working in internal clock.
Chas. GND J1 CONNECT DISCONNECT The CONNECT setting connects signal ground
DISCONNECT to chassis ground. The DISCONNECT setting
isolates them.
PIN 24 DIS J1A ENABLE ENABLE Exits main channel when PIN 24 is disabled.
(NO jumper)
TIME OUT J2 1.7 108 Selects the time-out period (in seconds) after
13.5 which the PSD will automatically disable the
108 sub-channel. Selecting DISABLE will stop
DISABLE the PSD from automatically disabling any
CONTENTION J5 RTS RTS Determines the sub-channel selection and
DATA deselection.
FORMAT J6 ASYNC SYNC Selects the data format.
CLOCK J7 NORMAL NORMAL Determines the source of the clock for
FROM EXT DTE synchronous data. Set to NORMAL for
internally derived clock. Set to FROM EXT
DTE for externally dermined clock from a
connected DTE.
EXT. BUFFER S1 ON OFF Activates or deactivates the extra buffer.
(PSD-8 only) S2 OFF