Black Box LWN602WA Network Hardware User Manual

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SmartPath Enterprise Wireless Access Point, Outdoor Installation Guide
7. Connecting to the Network
The final step to the installation is to connect the LWN602WA to the network so that it can form a Control and Provisioning of
Wireless Access Points (CAPWAP) connection to SmartPath EMS, as shown in Figure 13.
After you cable the LWN602WA to an Ethernet network and it is receiving PoE power, it automatically attempts to get its
network settings through DHCP and contact SmartPath EMS. The process typically takes about five minutes to complete. If you
see the LWN602WA listed on the Monitor > Access Points > SmartPath APs page in the SmartPath EMS GUI, the initial setup is
complete, and you can begin managing the LWN602WA through SmartPath EMS.
Figure 13. Connecting the LWN602WA to the network.
7.1 Connecting to SmartPath EMS
By default, an LWN602WA acts as a DHCP client, and gets its network settings automatically from a DHCP server. (You can also
configure it with static network settings through the CLI. See "Using the Virtual Access Console" in Section 7.2.)
After an LWN602WA has its network settings, it then acts as a CAPWAP client and sends CAPWAP Discovery messages until
SmartPath EMS, acting as the CAPWAP server, responds. CAPWAP is a protocol that access points use to contact and communi-
cate with a management device.
When an LWN602WA goes on-line for the first time without any specific CAPWAP server configuration entered manually or
received as a DHCP option, it progresses through the cycle of CAPWAP connection attempts shown in Figure 14.