About the symbols
Various symbols are used in this instruction manual and on the product itself
to en sure corr ect usage, to pr even t dan ger to users an d oth er s, an d to pr even t
property damage. The meanings of these symbols are described below. It is
impor tan t th at you r ead th ese warnings th oroughly an d fully un der stan d th e contents.
Warning This symbol indicates information that, if ignored, could possibly
result in person al in jur y or even death.
Caution This symbol indicates information that, if ignored, could result
in per son al in jury or ph ysical damage.
Typical Symbols
Th is symbol indicates an additional warn ing (including caution s). An illustration
is pr ovided to clar ify th e con ten ts (for example, th e illustr ation to th e left
indicates danger of electrical shock).
This symbol indicates a prohibited action. The contents will be clearly indi-
cated in an illustr ation or description near the symbol (for example, th e symbol to the left
shows that disassembly is pr oh ibited).
This symbol indicates a compulsory action. The contents will be clearly
in dicated in an illustr ation or description near the symbol (for example, th e symbol to
to the left shows that th e power plug sh ould be discon n ected fr om th e power outlet).