P-touch Transfer Manager 3
This program allows you to transfer templates and other data to the printer and save backups of your data on
the computer.
After P-touch Transfer Manager is used to transfer data to the printer, P-touch Template is used to send text
data to the printer that will be inserted into the template and printed. For details on P-touch Template,
download the P-touch Template manual (English only) from the Brother Solutions Center website:
[Select your region/country]- Choose your product. -[Manuals]
P-touch Library 3
This program allows you to use your computer to manage P-touch templates and other data.
You can use P-touch Library to print templates.
Using P-touch Transfer Manager 3
Starting P-touch Transfer Manager 3
Click the start menu -[All Programs]-[Brother P-touch]-[P-touch Tools]-[P-touch Transfer Manager 2.1].
When P-touch Transfer Manager starts, the main window is displayed.
You can also start P-touch Transfer Manager from P-touch Editor.
Click [File]-[Transfer Template].
How to use P-touch Transfer Manager &
P-touch Library