Creating Labels Efficiently
IntroductionCreating Labels (For Windows)Creating Labels (For Macintosh)Appendix
Creating and registering a new Layout Style
When there is no layout style appropriate for the label you want to create, you can create a new layout style.
You can then save it as a new layout style for later use.
1 Click [File]-[New].
The [New] dialog box appears.
2 Click [New Layout], and click .
3 Create a text object and adjust its position
or format.
4 Right-click on the created text object and
select [Properties] from the menu
The [Text Properties] dialog box appears.
5 Click the [Expanded] tab and check the
[Change Data in Layout Style Template]
check box.
Select [Label List] in [Target], select a field
(such as [Title]) map from the label list,
and click .
6 Repeat Steps 4 and 5 for every text object you have created.
The [Text Properties] dialog box also
appears when you double-click the created
text object.