Creating and Transferring the Download Template Data
IntroductionCreating Labels (For Windows)Creating Labels (For Macintosh)Appendix
This function allows you to transfer data such as templates, image data, and messages. Using the
transferred data, you can also print labels on the Brother QL-650TD.
Creating and Transferring the Download Template Data
1 In the P-touch Editor, prepare a label you
want to use as a template.
This example uses the Return Address Label.
2 Click [File]-[Transfer Template].
The [Template Name] dialog box appears.
3 Enter the template name that will be
displayed when displayed in the Brother
QL-650TD, and click .
A template is created and the P-touch Transfer
Manager is launched.
How to Use the P-touch Transfer Manager
(Brother QL-650TD Only)
The template name cannot be more than 10
The function described here is exclusively for the Brother QL-650TD.
This is not available for the Brother QL-500/550.
For the Brother
QL-650TD only