Cabletron Systems MRXI 10BASE-T Switch User Manual

Page 5-2
Community Names Table
Four fields, Community Name, Access, Traps, and IP Address, can be
configured on the Community Names screen. Up to eight community
name entries can be used to define SNMP compliant network
management workstations that are allowed access to the MRXI and
designate workstations that will receive alarms from the MRXI.
Community Name - is a name, up to 32 characters in length, that
you can enter to designate specific SNMP Compliant Community
Names that are permitted to access and receive alarms from the
MRXI. Highlight the desired Community Names field and enter
the community name information directly into the name field.
Access - defines the type of access permitted from a network
management workstation configured with the associated
community name. Highlight this field and press Return to toggle
between the following possible entries:
RO Read Only
RW Read and Write Access
NA Not Accessible
SU Super User access defines names that are used as local
passwords and is required to enter information in the
Community Names Table.
Traps - enables or disables SNMP trap messages to the network
management station with the associated IP Address. Highlight
this field, and press Return to toggle this field between YES and
NO. YES enables traps. NO disables traps.
IP Address - is the IP Address of the network management
workstation that will receive SNMP trap messages when enabled
(yes) by the Traps field. Highlight this field and enter the IP
address of the workstation directly into the IP Address field. The
format for this entry is 4 decimal values between 1 and 254 with a
period as a separator between the values as follows: