7-2 Linear Equations with Two to Six Unknowns
You can use the procedures described here to solve linear equations with
unknowns that match the following formats:
Two unknowns a1x + b1y = c1
a2x + b2y = c2
Six unknowns a1x + b1y + c1z + d1t + e1u + f1v = g1
a2x + b2y + c2z + d2t + e2u + f2v = g2
a3x + b3y + c3z + d3t + e3u + f3v = g3
a4x + b4y + c4z + d4t + e4u + f4v = g4
a5x + b5y + c5z + d5t + e5u + f5v = g5
a6x + b6y + c6z + d6t + e6u + f6v = g6
• You can also solve linear equations with three, four, and five unknowns. In
each case, the format is similar to those shown above.
k Specifying the Number of Unknowns
While in the Equation Mode, press 1 (SIML) and then specify the number of
• {2}/{3}/{4}/{5}/{6} ... linear equation with {2}/{3}/{4}/{5}/{6} unknowns