Casio CFX-9970G Calculator User Manual

Internal calculations are performed using a 15-digit mantissa, but results are
displayed using a 10-digit mantissa and 2-digit exponent.
This unit performs simultaneous linear equations by placing the coefficients
inside of a matrix. Because of this, as the coefficient matrix approaches zero,
precision in the inverse matrix is reduced and so precision in the results
produced also deteriorates. For example, the solution for a linear equation with
three unknowns would be calculated as shown below.
y = a2 b2 c2 d2
za3b3c3 d3
An error occurs whenever the unit is unable to solve the equations.
Pressing 1 (REPT) returns to the initial display of the Linear Equation Mode.
Depending on the coefficients that you use, it may take considerable time for
the calculation result of simultaneous linear equations to appear on the
display. Failure of a result to appear immediately does not mean that the unit
is not functioning properly.
k Changing Coefficients
You can change a coefficient either before or after you register it by pressing w.
uTo change a coefficient before registering it with w
Press the A key to clear the current value and then input another one.
uTo change a coefficient after registering it with w
Use the cursor keys to highlight the cell that contains the coefficient that you want
to change. Next, input the value that you want to change to.
k Clearing All the Coefficients
While in the Linear Equation Mode, press the 3 (CLR) function key. This
operation clears all the coefficients to zero.
Linear Equations with Two to Six Unknowns 7 - 2