Part III
System Message
14 Timing Clock
Message Format: F8H
Send Sent when auto accompaniment is used.
Receive This message is not received by this Instrument.
15 Start
Message Format: FAH
Send Sent when auto accompaniment is used.
Receive This message is not received by this Instrument.
16 Stop
Message Format: FCH
Send Sent when auto accompaniment is used.
Receive This message is not received by this Instrument.
17 Active Sensing
Message Format: FEH
Send This message is not sent by this Instrument.
Receive Once this message is received, the Active Sensing mode is entered. If no MIDI message is
received for a specified amount of time, voices being sounded by this Instrument’s sound source are
released, the controller is reset, and the Active Sensing mode is exited.
18 System Exclusive Message
Message Format: F0H....F7H
The Instrument sends and receives standard universal system exclusive messages, and system exclusive
messages that have Instrument-specific formats.