•To exit CALC, press A.
• If the expression you are using contains more than one variable,
an input prompt appears for each one.
<#016> Calculate an +1 = an + 2n (a1 = 1) as the value of an changes
from a2 to a5. (Results: a2 = 3, a3 = 7, a4 = 13,
a5 = 21)
*1 Assigns 1 to a1.*2Assigns 1 to n.
*3 Value of a2 *4 Assigns value to a2.
*5 Assigns 2 to n.*6Value of a3
*7 Value of a4 *8 Value of a5
SOLVE uses Newton’s Method of approximation to solve an equation.
You can use SOLVE in the COMP Mode (N1) only.
k Rules Governing Equations when Using
•You can use the following types of syntax for the solution variable.
Example: Y = X + 5, Y (Solves for Y.);
XB = C + D, B (Solves for B.)
The following shows the syntax for the log function.
Y = X × log(2 (When the variable specification “,X” is omitted,
the equation Y = X × log
2 is solved for X.)
Y = X × log(2,Y (When the variable specification “,Y” is included,
the equation Y = X × log
2 is solved for Y.)
Y = X × log(2,Y) (When the variable specification “,X” is omitted,
the equation Y = X × log
Y is solved for X.)
•Unless you specify otherwise, an equation is solved for X.
Example: Y = X + 5, X = sin(M), X + 3 = B + C,
XY + C (Treated as XY + C = 0.)
• SOLVE cannot be used to solve an equation that contains an
integral, derivative, Σ( function, Pol( function, Rec( function, or