•Math format causes fractions, irrational numbers, and other
expressions to be displayed as they are written on paper.
•Linear format causes fractions and other expressions to be
displayed in a single line.
Specifying the Default Angle Unit
To specify this as the default
Perform this key operation:
angle unit:
Degrees 1N3(Deg)
Radians 1N4(Rad)
Grads 1N5(Gra)
90° = radians = 100 grads
Specifying the Number of Display Digits
To specify this: Perform this key operation:
Number of Decimal Places 1N6(Fix)0–9
Number of Significant Digits 1N7(Sci)0–9
Exponential Display Range
or 2(Norm2)
Calculation Result Display Examples
• Fix: The value you specify (from 0 to 9) controls the number of
decimal places for displayed calculation results. Calculation results
are rounded off to the specified digit before being displayed.
Example: 100 ÷ 7 = 14.286 (Fix3)
14.29 (Fix2)
•Sci: The value you specify (from 1 to 10) controls the number of
significant digits for displayed calculation results. Calculation results
are rounded off to the specified digit before being displayed.
Example: 1 ÷ 7 = 1.4286 × 10
1.429 × 10
•Norm: Selecting one of the two available settings (Norm1, Norm2)
determines the range in which results will be displayed in non-
exponential format. Outside the specified range, results are
displayed using exponential format.
Norm1: 10
> x, x > 10
Norm2: 10
> x, x > 10
Example: 1 ÷ 200 = 5 × 10
0.005 (Norm2)
Linear FormatMath Format