Cisco Systems 5 Network Router User Manual

User Guide for the Cisco Network Analysis Module (NAM) Traffic Analyzer, 5.0
Chapter 1 Overview
Navigating the User Interface
Monitor: See “summary” views that allow you to view network traffic, application performance, site
performance, and alarms at a glance.
Analyze: See various “over-time” views for traffic, WAN optimization, response time, managed device,
and media functions.
Capture: Configure multiple sessions for capturing, filtering, and decoding packet data, manage the data
in a file control system, and display the contents of the packets.
Setup: Perform all setup needed to run Cisco NAM Traffic Analyzer 5.0.
Administration: Perform user and system administration tasks, and generate diagnostic information for
obtaining technical assistance.
Detailed Views
Under some topics in the mega-menu, the last selection is “Detailed Views.” Click the small arrow to the
right of the menu selections to see the sub-menu and the functions available.