Cisco Systems ASA 5512-X Network Router User Manual

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Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 72 Configuring Clientless SSL VPN
Creating XML-Based Portal Customization Objects and URL Lists
Tag: custom/portal/pane/mode
Description: The mode of the pane
Value: enable|disable
Default value: disable
Tag: custom/portal/pane/title
Description: The title of the pane
Value: arbitrary string
Default value: empty string
Tag: custom/portal/pane/notitle
Description: Hides pane's title bar
Value: yes|no
Default value: no
Tag: custom/portal/pane/type
Description: The type of the pane. Supported types:
TEXT - inline arbitrary text, may contain HTML tags;
HTML - HTML content specified by URL shown in the individual iframe;
IMAGE - image specified by URL
RSS - RSS feed specified by URL
Default value: TEXT
Tag: custom/portal/pane/url
Description: The URL for panes with type HTML,IMAGE or RSS
Value: URL string
Default value: empty string
Tag: custom/portal/pane/text
Description: The text value for panes with type TEXT
Value: arbitrary string
Default value:empty string
Tag: custom/portal/pane/column
Description: The column where the pane located.
Value: arbitrary number
Default value: 1
Tag: custom/portal/pane/row
Description: The row where the pane is located
Value: arbitrary number
Default value: 1
Tag: custom/portal/pane/height
Description: The height of the pane
Value: number of pixels
Default value: default value set by browser
Tag: custom/portal/browse-network-title
Description: The title of the browse network link
Value: arbitrary string
Default value: Browse Entire Network
Tag: custom/portal/access-network-title
Description: The title of the link to start a network access session
Value: arbitrary string
Default value: Start AnyConnect