Citizen Systems 1.8 Network Router User Manual

CITIZEN OPOS DRIVER 1.8 Application Development Guide
AsyncMode Property
Output method (PrintNormal, PrintTwoNormal, CutPaper, RotatePrint, PrintBarCode, and
PrintBitmap) is executed asynchronously.
Output method is printed synchronously. When error occurs at the asynchronous output,
error event is reported at about 0.5-s intervals.
ErrorLevel Property
Indicated when error is not detected.
Indicated as Recoverable error at Paper Out/Cover Open.
Indicated as irrecoverable error at Auto Cutter error.
BinaryConversion Property
Installation example (Visual Basic) using the BinaryConversion property and PrintNormal method
is described.
Bstring1 character is stored with one byte without data conversion.
Dim pString As String
Dim result As Long
Dim PrintStation As Long
OPOSPrinter.BinaryConversion = OPOS_BC_NONE
pString = "None" + Chr$(&HD) + Chr$(&HA) _
+ "123" + Chr$(&HD) + Chr$(&HA) _
+ "ABC" + Chr$(&HD) + Chr$(&HA)
result = OPOSPrinter.PrintNormal(PrintStation, pString)
Each byte is converted to two characters.
Dim pString As String
Dim result As Long
Dim PrintStation As Long
OPOSPrinter.BinaryConversion = OPOS_BC_NIBBLE
pString = Chr$(&H34) + Chr$(&H3E) _
+ Chr$(&H36) + Chr$(&H39) _
+ Chr$(&H36) + Chr$(&H32) _
+ Chr$(&H36) + Chr$(&H32) _
+ Chr$(&H36) + Chr$(&H3C) _
+ Chr$(&H36) + Chr$(&H35) _
+ Chr$(&H30) + Chr$(&H3D) _
+ Chr$(&H30) + Chr$(&H3A) _
+ Chr$(&H33) + Chr$(&H31) _
+ Chr$(&H33) + Chr$(&H32) _