Citizen Systems CBM-720 Printer User Manual

CBM-710/720/730/750 User’s Manual
(11) Underline Command
D8 D1
1stbyte 00011011 ESC(1B)H
D8 D1
2ndbyte 00101101 (2D)H
D8 D1
3rd byte
N1 n (Binary digital)
When n=1, the underline mode is set, and when n=0, it is cancelled.
(12) Graphic Command (Graphic Type Only)
D8 D1
1stbyte 00011011 ESC(1B)H
D8 D1
2ndbyte 00101010 *(2A)H
D8 D1
3rd byte n
(Binary digital)
D8 D1
4th byte n
(Binary digital)
Bit image mode printing is performed by this command. (n2 is the quotient when divided by 256, and n1 is the
remainder.) When data is received only for numbers specified by n1 and n2, printing and line feed are carried out
automatically, and the bit imagemode is cancelled.