WWaallll CChhaarrggeerr
BBaatttteerriieess aanndd
WWaallll CChhaarrggeerr
BBeelltt CClliipp
WWaallll CChhaarrggeerr
TToo iinnssttaallll oorr rreeppllaaccee bbaatttteerriieess::
1. Remove belt clip by releasing belt
clip latch and sliding clip up.
2. Pull up on the battery door latch to
remove the battery compartment
3. Insert the supplied three AAA
rechargeable batteries (also works
with non-rechargeable
alkaline bat-
teries). Position batteries according
to polarity markings.
4. Replace battery compartment cover
and belt clip.
IInnsseerrtt BBaatttteerriieess
PPuullll LLaattcchh UUpp
RReemmoovvee BBeelltt CClliipp
RRaaddiioo CChhaarrggeerr JJaacckk
TToo cchhaarrggee bbaatttteerriieess iinn rraaddiioo::
1. Check to see that the batteries
have been inserted properly.
See above for battery installation
2. Insert round connector of wall charger into the charge jack
located at the top of the radio. The wall charger has two
round connectors which enables you to charge either
one or two radios at a time.
3. Plug the wall charger into electrical outlet.
It normally takes 15 hours to fully recharge batteries. It is not
recommended to recharge batteries more than 24 hours. Estimated
operation time on a full charge is 8 hours.
Use only the supplied rechargeable batteries and wall charger
for recharging your Cobra microTALK
radio. Non-rechargeable
alkaline batteries can also be used.
9498 MT200-EU-British4F 4/10/06 2:38 PM Page 2