Cobra Electronics MT 200 Clock User Manual

BBaacckklliitt LLCCDD DDiissppllaayy
BBaatttteerryy LLooww IIccoonn
Blinks when battery power level is low.
Your microTALK
radio has a unique circuit
designed to extend battery life. If there are no
transmissions within 10 seconds, the radio
will automatically switch to Battery Save mode.
This will not affect the radio’s ability to receive
incoming transmissions.
CChhaannnneell NNuummbbeerr
While in Standby mode or when selecting a
channel, shows current channel (1 through 8).
When adjusting the volume, shows current level
(1 through 8).
CChhaannnneell//VVoolluummee IInnddiiccaattoorr
“CH” is visible when in Standby mode or when
selecting a channel.
“LE” is visible when adjusting volume.
TTrraannssmmiitt IIccoonn
RReecceeiivvee IIccoonn
Visible when transmitting
a message.
Visible when receiving
a message.
9498 MT200-EU-British4F 4/10/06 2:38 PM Page 3